Excavating work is not in progress preparatory to erection of the mammoth new plant and offices of the Wagner Baking company which will occupy pratially the entire triangular block bounded by Grand River and Brooklyn avenues and Sixth and Bagg streets.  John Altechlager, of Chicago, is the architect.


Exterior finish of the building will be of brick.  The greater portion of it will be four stories in hight, the walls rising as high as those of the ordinary six story building.


Special care has been taken in designing the building to create a structure containing all the most approved features of modern establishments of its type and unusual care has been given to assure that the building will be of the most sanitary type possible.  It will be fireproof throughout.


With a frontage of 226 feet on the south side of Grand River avenue the building will have a depth of 120 feet on Brooklyn avenue and frontages of 50 feet on Sixth street and 377 feet on Bagg street.


The ground floor frontage on Brand River avenue will contain nine stores, so arranged that the space of each can be increased by adding it to the area of those adjoining.


The site of the new building is diagonally across Grand River avenue from the plant which the company has outgrown on the northeast corner of Grand River and Greenwood avenues.  It is expected the new building will be ready for occupancy before the first of next year.


Officers of the Wagner Baking company are: President, Edward Wagner; vice-president, John Wagner; secretary and treasurer, Henry Wagner, Jr.


NB:  spelling as per the original article