Robert Wagner's Photo Collection
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Anna Wagner.jpg
Anna Wagner
CA + Barbara Wagner note.jpg
C A Wagner's note - no date info
CA Wagner notepaper.jpg
C A Wagner notepaper
Chris Wagner business card.jpg
Chris' Habadashery business before Kern's
Clothilde Kern.jpg
Clothlde Kern
Ida Clothilde Kern.jpg
Ida & Clothilde Kern
Ida Clothilde Postcard fullsize.jpg
Ida & Clothilde Kern in Atlantic City, NJ
Ida Clothilde Postcard trimmed.jpg Ida Clothilde Postcardback.jpg
Jacob Ernst Kern.jpg
(Jacob) Ernst Kern (in Germany)
Jacob Ernst Kernback.jpg Kern14.jpg
Possibly Otto (r) and Ernst (l)
Wagner Family + spouses.jpg
see next picture for identification
Wagner Family+spouses ID.jpg Wagner06.jpg
no identification yet
These women haven't been identified yet


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